Youtube Clipart

Youtube Clipart (#13007)

YouTube is a hosting service for hosting, storing, and searching for video files. Users can view, comment, and rate videos if the owner has not set restrictions.

For many, YouTube has become a substitute for television. Here you can search and view interesting stories with the difference that the view is available at any time of the day, the video can be paused, rewound, and reviewed an unlimited number of times.

YouTube appeared in 2005 in San Bruno. It was created by former PayPal employees. The first clip is a 19-second video from the zoo. In 2006, Google bought YouTube for 1.65 billion dollars and became its owner. Many celebrities and large companies have official channels on YouTube, and YouTube videos are often displayed in official TV reports.

To find a video, use the search bar at the top of the window. Enter the entire fragment or name in it. If you don't remember or don't know the name of the video, try searching by entering the subject of the video in the search bar.

You can download and print the best Transparent Youtube clipart collection for free. In additon, you can discover our great content using our "search bar" above. Here we go!

None of the Youtube Clip Art should be used for Commercial Purpose.

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